


2020第五年💖願你平安 疫起加油 A Message to Dollar Academy amid the Covid 19 Outbreak 💖

💖 願你平安 疫起加油 A Message to Dollar Academy amid the Covid-19 Outbreak 💖


Dear fellow students and teachers During this challenging time of dealing with the Covid-19 virus, lockdowns, and uncertainty, we wanted to reach out to you. If this virus has taught us anything, it’s that we are all part of a global community, and our actions affect each other. Life is an intricate web of relationships, and that tapestry is the most precious part of life. We are intertwined, connected, and co-dependent. It is with this realization that we wanted to send out a message, and all the more since we are partner schools. We are truly sad that we won't be able to visit your academy this year, we were really looking forward to it so much. Nevertheless, we hope that you and all your families are all safe and well. We also hope that things will return to normal soon and that we can put all of this trouble behind us. Sending you love, friendship, and best wishes from Zhongping, Taiwan.


親愛的的同學和老師: 在應對Covid-19病毒、封城和不確定性的挑戰時期,我們希望與您聯繫。如果這種病毒教了我們什麼,那就是我們都是全球社區的一部分,我們的行動會相互影響。生活是錯綜複雜的關係網,而這綿密的繡帷是生命中最寶貴的部分。我們交織在一起,相互聯繫,相互依存。因著理解了這件事,我們就希望能傳達一個信息,而且由於我們是合作學校,所以我們更希望發出這個信息。對於今年無法訪問你們學校,我們感到非常難過,我們本來是如此期待著。 儘管如此,我們希望您和您的家人都平安無事。 我們也希望情況會很快恢復正常,並且我們可以將這個難關拋在背後。 向您發送來自台灣中平的愛,友誼和最好的祝福。


🎶 背景音樂: 💥AULD LANG SYNE 💥 Royal Scots Dragoon Guards💥

💖 感謝有你 疫起堅守 Thank you for being here. We'll stick together 💖


