






Good morning, all.

Generally, my lessons aim to review the prescribed grammar, sentence patterns, and themes in the seventh-grade curriculum by using them in different contexts, content, and subjects such as art, science, literature Etc.

Here are three of my guiding principles as a teacher:

1. Create lessons that are practical, engaging, and fun.

2. Structure content in a compelling, competitive, and creative way to encourage speaking, conversation, and curiosity in students.

3. Lessons should scale in difficulty to make content accessible to learners of varying English abilities. Implementation of the above guidelines is presented and taught through lesson materials such as PowerPoint games, board games, card games, puzzles, and more.

Lastly, I want students to gain greater understanding, competence, and fluency in all aspects of English. I want to instill in students a curiosity for the magic of reality and life and a desire to want to learn on their own.

大家早安。 一般來說,我的課程旨在復習七年級課程中規定的語法、句型和主題,並在藝術、科學、文學等不同的文本、內容和主題中使用它們。


1. 創造出實用、引人入勝且有趣的課程。

2. 以引人入勝、具競爭力和創造性的方式組織課程內容,以鼓勵學生的講說、對話和好奇心。

3. 課程內容具不同的難易度,以使不同英語能力的學習者都能理解主要內容。 為了實踐上述原則,教學中會以PPT簡報、遊戲、桌遊、紙牌遊戲、拼圖等課程材料來呈現和教學。

最後,我希望學生在英語的各個層面上,都能獲得更多的理解、能力和流暢度。 我想向學生傳輸真實世界的神奇性、生命和好奇心,以及他們對自主學習的渴望。

