




English Conversation Class with Teacher Lee (by Jenny Chen from 717)

Have you ever had the opportunity to take a course where you can interact closely with people from different cultures? Those who have attended this course often speak highly of it. If you haven't experienced it yet, I strongly recommend exploring it at Zhongping Junior High School.

In this semester's English conversation class, one topic that left a lasting impression on me was "Greek mythology." Our teachers dedicated several weeks to introducing us to this captivating subject. Mr. Lee, in particular, delved into the tales of "The Golden Touch" and "Pandora's Box." In "The Golden Touch," we learned of King Midas, who possessed boundless wealth but saw it all crumble due to his insatiable greed. "Pandora's Box," on the other hand, taught us the perils of curiosity. When Pandora opened the box, she unwittingly unleashed all the world's ills, including greed, jealousy, and pain. In the end, only hope remained in the box.

Mr. Lee employs an engaging and interactive teaching method, incorporating various tools such as pictures, anagrams, Q&A sessions, and fill-in-the-blank exercises to make learning enjoyable and informative. In this relaxed and supportive atmosp here, students of all skill levels feel at ease participating and honing their English skills. I believe this course is exceptional and has significantly improved my conversational abilities. In addition to the teacher's spoken instruction, students also have the opportunity to watch English films during class. This aids in better understanding the rhythms and nuances of native English speakers.

Towards the end of the semester, we faced an English oral examination. The questions were not overly challenging, provided students had paid close attention in class and thought critically about the materials. While this test may have presented a slight challenge for some, I firmly believe that diligence always yields positive results.

Mr. Lee is a dynamic and enjoyable teacher. He also takes time to engage with my classmates during his free moments after class, fostering a positive and supportive learning environment.

新北市中平國中Lee老師的英語會話課   (717陳宥蓁) 

您是否有機會參加一門可以與來自不同文化的人密切互動的課程? 參加過這門課程的人常常給予高度評價。 如果你還沒體驗過,我強烈建議你去中平國中探索一下。  

在這學期的英語會話課上,給我留下深刻印象的一個主題就是「希臘神話」。 老師花了幾週時間向我們介紹這個引人入勝的主題,尤其深入研究了《點金術》和《潘朵拉魔盒》的故事。   在《點金術》中,我們認識了邁達斯國王,他擁有無限的財富,但由於他貪得無厭的貪婪,他的一切都崩潰了。 另一方面,《潘朵拉魔盒》教會了我們好奇心的危險。 當潘朵拉打開盒子時,她無意中釋放了世界上所有的罪惡,包括貪婪、嫉妒和痛苦。 最終,盒子裡只剩下了希望。  

老師採用引人入勝的互動式教學方法,結合圖片、字謎、問答、填空練習等多種工具,讓學習變得有趣且內容豐富。 在這種輕鬆和支持的氛圍中,各種程度的學生都可以輕鬆地參與並磨練他們的英語技能。   我覺得這門課程非常棒,並且顯著地提高了我的會話能力。 除了老師的口語教學外,學生還有機會在課堂上觀看英語短片。 這有助於更好地理解以英語為母語的人的說話節奏和語言中的細微差異。  

學期末,我們面臨英語口語考試。 只要學生在課堂上集中注意力並對材料進行批判性思考,問題就不會過於具有挑戰性。 雖然這個測驗可能對某些人來說是一個小小的挑戰,但我堅信勤奮總是會產生正面的結果。  

老師是一位充滿活力、令人愉快的老師。 他也花時間在課後的空閒時間與我的同學互動,創造一個積極和支持性的學習環境。
